You can find all the necessary information about Wythe County Health Department located in Wytheville, including its address, contact person, email, and website on this page. The firm has earned an outstanding 5 rating. While the operating hours are provided, it's wise to verify the information on the website.
- Company Name:Wythe County Health DepartmentState:VirginiaCounty:Wythe CountyCity:WythevilleStreet:290 S 6th StZIP:24382Branche:State Government-Public Health Programs,County Government-Public Health ProgramsEmployee:20Salesvol:0.00
- Contact Name:Pat Mc GrawPhone:(276) 228-5507Fax:(276) 228-3392
- Office Hours:Sunday: Closed
Monday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Tuesday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Wednesday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Thursday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Friday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm
Saturday: Closed
290 S 6th St, Wytheville, Virginia 24382
You can get in touch with Pat Mc Graw, at Wythe County Health Department for any questions regarding Wythe County Health Department by calling the given numbers or by accessing the contact information on Wythe County Health Department's website. So far, just a few customers have evaluated Wythe County Health Department. If you're driving to Wythe County Health Department, use "My Route" to calculate the best route from your current location to 290 S 6th St in Wytheville.
Pat Mc Graw, of Wythe County Health Department, is the go-to person for any questions regarding their products and services.
For inquiries from abroad, Wythe County Health Department can be reached by calling (276) 228-5507. Pat Mc Graw, of Wythe County Health Department, or another representative will be available to answer your questions. Wythe County Health Department is in the top percentile of highly-rated businesses in Wythe County, Virginia, and in the top 20% of the United States. When compared to its peers, Wythe County Health Department has a 5 rating that is higher than average.
If you are not located in the same country, send your written communications to Wythe County Health Department through the international fax (276) 228-3392 or email. The surrounding area only has a handful of comparable businesses. If your State Government-Public Health Programs,County Government-Public Health Programs company in Wytheville or any other part of Wythe County is not yet listed, you can submit your business and its page through [Add company] in the menu.