Here, you will discover crucial information about Tonopah Mental Health Center located in Tonopah, including the location, contact details, and email, as well as their website. With 2 employees on its payroll, this company is considered a comparatively small employer.
- Company Name:Tonopah Mental Health CenterState:NevadaCounty:Nye CountyCity:TonopahStreet:100C Howarton HlsZIP:89049Branche:Mental Health ServicesEmployee:2Salesvol:162,000.00
- Contact Name:COOPhone:(775) 482-6742Fax:(775) 482-3718
100C Howarton Hls, Tonopah, NV 89049
You can get in touch with COO, at Tonopah Mental Health Center for any questions regarding Tonopah Mental Health Center by calling the given numbers or by accessing the contact information on Tonopah Mental Health Center's website. The enterprise holds a rating that is inadequate. So far, only a handful of customers have given their feedback on Tonopah Mental Health Center. To reach Tonopah Mental Health Center by car, simply use "My Route" to get directions from your current location to 100C Howarton Hls in Tonopah.
Tonopah Mental Health Center is available for direct inquiries and COO, , will be happy to assist. The hours of operation are not known, but they can be checked on the website.
Call (775) 482-6742 if you're located outside Nye County and want more information about Tonopah Mental Health Center. COO, of Tonopah Mental Health Center, or another representative will be available to answer your questions.
For inquiries originating outside the country, send them to Tonopah Mental Health Center via the international fax (775) 482-3718 or email. The establishment is situated in a tranquil commercial zone. To add your Mental Health Services company located in Tonopah or elsewhere in Nye County to this page, you can use the [Add company] option from the menu.