You can find all the necessary information about Board of Health located in Lunenburg, including its address, contact person, email, and website on this page. It is considered a relatively small employer, having 1 employees.
- Company Name:Board of HealthState:MassachusettsCounty:Worcester CountyCity:LunenburgStreet:Ritter Memorial BuildingZIP:01462Branche:City Government-Public Health ProgramsEmployee:1Salesvol:0.00
- Contact Name:George EmondPhone:(978) 582-4146Fax:(978) 582-4135
Ritter Memorial Building, 960 Massachusetts Ave, Lunenburg, MA 01462
For any questions you have regarding Board of Health, you can speak directly to George Emond, at Board of Health by using the phone numbers given or by accessing the contact details on Board of Health's website. The business has a 1 rating that falls short of expectations. Only a sparse number of customers have evaluated Board of Health. Use "My Route" to determine the quickest route to Board of Health at Ritter Memorial Building in Lunenburg.
If you're curious about Board of Health, reach out to George Emond, , for more information. The hours of operation are not known, but they can be checked on the website.
If you are not located in Worcester County, reach out to Board of Health by calling (978) 582-4146. You can speak directly with George Emond, of Board of Health, or another representative for more information.
Direct all written requests and communications to Board of Health from abroad to the international fax number (978) 582-4135 or the email of Board of Health. The establishment is situated in a tranquil commercial zone. The surrounding area is home to only a few comparable businesses. If you have a City Government-Public Health Programs business in Lunenburg or in any other location in Worcester County, and it isn't listed here yet, you can submit it via [Add company] in the menu.