This is where you will access critical data about Florida Department of Health in Marion County located in Ocala, including its address, the contact person, and their email address, as well as their website. The business hours are indicated, but for peace of mind, verify on the website.
- Company Name:Florida Department of Health in Marion CountyState:FloridaCounty:Marion CountyCity:OcalaStreet:1801 SE 32nd AveZIP:34471Branche:Administration of public health programs,Public Health ProgramsEmployee:15,477Salesvol:0.00
- Contact Name:Nathan GrossmanPhone:(352) 629-0137Fax:(352) 694-1613Homepage:
- Office Hours:Sunday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Thursday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Friday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Saturday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
1801 SE 32nd Ave, Ocala, FL 34471
The contact information for Nathan Grossman, of Florida Department of Health in Marion County is available through the phone numbers provided or by visiting Florida Department of Health in Marion County's homepage for inquiries regarding Florida Department of Health in Marion County. This organization has a 3.1 rating that is inferior. "My Route" is available to help you navigate your way to Florida Department of Health in Marion County located at 1801 SE 32nd Ave in Ocala.
If you need clarification on Florida Department of Health in Marion County's offerings, don't hesitate to contact Nathan Grossman. Numerous people who have dealt with Florida Department of Health in Marion County have already rated it.
If you are located outside Marion County and need more information about Florida Department of Health in Marion County, call (352) 629-0137. Nathan Grossman, of Florida Department of Health in Marion County, or another representative will be available to assist you.
For inquiries originating outside the country, send them to Florida Department of Health in Marion County via the international fax (352) 694-1613 or email. The site is situated in a slow-trade neighborhood. With 15477 employees, this company can be considered a relatively big employer. Your business in Administration of public health programs,Public Health Programs in Ocala or any other region of Marion County can be added to this page by clicking on the [Add company] option in the menu.