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Child Gender by Rh Factor of Parents Calculator

Child gender by Rh

Rh factor of the father
Please, Enter all values correctly.

This child gender calculator uses 1, 2, 3, 4 for describing blood type. You might be getting confused what they are as you might not be aware of numeric representation of blood groups. Lets make it simple for you. Refer the table below.

Blood Group Numeric Representation
O 1
A 2
B 3
AB 4

Child Gender Calculator by Parent Blood Type

Child gender prediction is a method by which the future parent of the child becomes able to know whether the mother of the baby is going to give birth to a baby boy or a baby girl. Nowadays the parents don’t want to rely on the so-called conception of depending on God’s will. When women get pregnant, from the very first day she has a hidden wish to know is that a boy or a girl she is going to give birth. According to the gender of the child, some parent makes some planning regarding their child and now it is no more difficult to predict the gender of the future child as there are some efficient gender calculators are available in the market. Child Gender Calculator by Parent Blood Type is a calculator that helps to determine the child’s gender by parent blood type.

Importance of Child Gender Calculator

Now so countries are involving and shoeing interest to manufacture child gender calculator as the demand is gradually rising to predict the gender of the child. So many parents are there who have one or two children already. So to make future planning of their upcoming child it is important to know the gender of their upcoming child previously. Also, not all families have a good financial condition and to ensure a healthy future for their future child every parent is conscious about the gender of their new upcoming child. Though there is no difference between a boy and a girl as girls are equally important for their parents and also they are doing well in every field of society whether it comes to self-independence and all.

Apart from all these things every parent has a preference for their child and also the mother who is carrying the baby inside her is more conscious about the child than the father of the child. One more important thing that needs to be resolved by determining the gender of the child is the disease factor. Like there are few diseases which can be the cause of serious health issues in the pre matured stage of the baby girl or baby boy. Especially the periodic problem, if the mother has some periodic issues with her like an irregular period or menstruation pain etc. There is a probability of having such kind of issues in the girl child also and it can be a cause of menstruation cancer also. Besides this, it is known to all that only men have the color blindness problem. So if the father of the future child has a color blindness problem and the parent gives birth to a baby boy then there is a higher chance of having the same problem in the child also. That is why gender prediction is essential for all parents to make a healthy future for their child or children.

How does Child Gender Calculator work

As it has been mentioned above that there are few different types of child gender calculators are available which are manufactured by the different companies but the maximum child gender calculators have been manufactured by the Chinese companies. Child gender calculators have different methods to calculate the gender of the future baby like by the blood renewal of the parents, by correlation of the birth month of the parents and the blood type of the parents. Generally, the results show that the parents who have A or B type blood group will conceive a girl and the parents who have AB or O type of blood group have higher chances to conceive a boy.

The main working procedure of any child gender calculator is so simple like the blood samples are collected from both of them and according to their blood groups the calculator shows a result regarding the gender of the future child. There are some effective tools by which the calculators have been made up and along with the time the makers are equally improving the determining tools of the calculators so that those can give the more accurate result.

Child gender determination by the parent blood group is the most relevant method by which most of the gender calculators are given results regarding the gender of the future child of the parents. According to the results which have been given by the calculators a chart is being prepared. The chart shows which parents are going to have a baby boy or baby girl and in 90% cases, the results are accurate according to the calculation of the child gender calculator.

Other gender prediction method

Except for the so much use of the parent blood type method, there are some other equivalent methods such as baby gender predictor, Chinese predictor, by fathers age, Japanese method, etc.

Chinese gender predictor

Chinese gender predictor is so much in use by the customers because of its simplicity in the calculation. It has only to strep for calculation of baby’s gender, all you need to do that first you need to enter the mother’s age and the next step requires the month of conception. These two pieces of information are enough to know the baby’s gender. The same goes for the method of determination by the father’s age. So for the first step, you need to enter the father’s actual age and in the second step, you need to enter the month of conception. After entering these two values you have to press the button and the result will automatically come.

Japanese gender predictor

In the Japanese method father’s age and mother’s age, are required along with the month of conception and finally after pressing the button the gender of the future baby will come easily. So, by all these methods there are no more difficulties to find out the gender of the upcoming child.

Gender prediction of future children or children has so many essential sides which are already mentioned above and after the invention of few easy methods now all the parents become aware of the gender of their future child. The calculation of the child gender by the parent blood type shows so much accuracy and also this is one of the relevant methods of baby gender prediction.

Importend Notes and Disclaimer


Caveats and Recommendations: This calculator is NOT intended to diagnose illness or be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Some models provide predictive outcomes which may not be accurate. Please consult a medical professional for any medical treatment or diagnosis advice.


Note: This calculator is presented for your own personal use and is to be used as a guide only. Medical and other decisions should NOT be based on the results of this calculator. Although this calculator has been tested, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of its calculations or results.


Disclaimer: This calculator is provided without warranty and CANNOT be used to diagnose or treat any disease or condition.

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